Sunday, June 6, 2010

Viktor's graduation

Well first of all I would like to say congratz to Viktor who graduated the Swedish version of high school the 4th of June 2010!

The Swedish graduation sermony really is something different... The day of graduation starts early in the morning when all the students gather together in school for champange brakefast. We arrived to Viktor's school att about 1.30. It's tradition to have a sign with a baby picture, a bunch of champange and other stuff like flowers and soft animales to hang around the student's neck. At 2.00 am all the graduates come running out of the school wearing a white hat and a suite (guys), and girls wear the white hat and a white dress. Then they have to find their sign in the crowd. When they finally find their sign there are hugs and kisses and pictures and all that.

When all this is over with the graduates go and change and then they get on these huge trucks who are spray paited with stuff like "we poop on you" and all their names and stuff. On the truck there will be a huge sound system and more beer and alcohol that you could imagine. Then they take off and they dance and jump around on there while the truck drives through the city and all they do is to throw beer, drink beer and throw some more beer.

When they are done on the truck they are drunker than shit and swamped in beer and alcohol. Then it's time for all the graduates to go home where the family will throw a party for the garduation, with a bunch of people and food.

After eating and drinking a little bit more it's time for all the graduates to go out to the night club and drink some more!

Swim easy!

Me, Vanessa, Rebecka & Agnes

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What you know about that 88 Volvo?

So it was a normal night in Sweden when Viktor (Rebecka's big brother) gets off the phone to tell me he has got me a car while I am staying here in Sweden. At first I was like sweet not knowing he meant a real running car but ya he hooked me up with the 88 Volvo from his friend Robbie. I saw it pull up and knew she was beaut. I took it out for the first time today when me and Rebecka had to run around town for some things and she drives well a few sounds here and there but it gets me from A to B.

Swim easy from Sweden

Fresher than a salad

South of Stockholm

So me and Rebecka took a day off from working and went into Stockholm for the day. Now I have been in Stockholm lots of times now and many of you have seen tons of pictures from there but I never have been to the South part of the city. Rebecka tells me that the South part is very much like Portland as far as the wierd people and art and after going there I would have to agree. It reminded me a lot of Portland. We ate lunch at thai place and the art was very interesting and the People there all had tattoos up there arms which you never really see in Sweden at all. These pictures are from a high view ponit in the south part hope you enjoy and as always swim easy.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Back in Sweden

What's up fellow blog readers!

Back in Sweden and it's all just the way I remember it... Saunas, not understanding television, chilling with Rebecka and a little hard work along the way. The first few days have been hard because of the jet lag. These pictures were taken on my second day here when me, Rebecka, Eva and Vanessa took a little walk to the lake. The video is of a storm that happened this weekend. Other than that we have had wonderful weather.

Swim easy, from Sweden!

These glasses are pretty sweet, huh?

Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams, let it wash away, I'm coming clean. Haha.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Trip to Portland,Seattle and Maui

So my wonderful girlfriend and her sisiter came to the states from Sweden to see me and we also took a trip to maui after 2 days of driving around the P.N.W. We took a day in Portland which is where I live and the next day we drove 3 hours up north to Seattle. After Seeing Portland, Having some Vodo, seeing the fisrt Starbucks and walking around Pike Place we left for Maui. It was so nice. We hit up beaches and shopped a little and just chilled. I cut the islands in my head haha. We saw Hana road and had some delishhhhh banana cake did some under water photos and one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my life, whales. It is whale season in maui now which means there are like 1000 whales around the island and it is so cool to see them up close like we did. You could not belive the size of these anmails its amazing. We also at some really good food while we were there gotta love that yogert land haha. The last day of are trip we stayed at the Grand welia which is like one of the top hotels in the world. You would not belive this place its so cool but everything cost something but it was a nice way to end the trip. Overall it was one my the best trips I have been on and I really loved having my girlfriend and Vanessa with me and I thank my aunt so much for letting us stay at her place.

Aloha, From Maui

Portland (Rosecity)

Rebecka at the first Starbucks

Pike place market.