Sunday, June 6, 2010

Viktor's graduation

Well first of all I would like to say congratz to Viktor who graduated the Swedish version of high school the 4th of June 2010!

The Swedish graduation sermony really is something different... The day of graduation starts early in the morning when all the students gather together in school for champange brakefast. We arrived to Viktor's school att about 1.30. It's tradition to have a sign with a baby picture, a bunch of champange and other stuff like flowers and soft animales to hang around the student's neck. At 2.00 am all the graduates come running out of the school wearing a white hat and a suite (guys), and girls wear the white hat and a white dress. Then they have to find their sign in the crowd. When they finally find their sign there are hugs and kisses and pictures and all that.

When all this is over with the graduates go and change and then they get on these huge trucks who are spray paited with stuff like "we poop on you" and all their names and stuff. On the truck there will be a huge sound system and more beer and alcohol that you could imagine. Then they take off and they dance and jump around on there while the truck drives through the city and all they do is to throw beer, drink beer and throw some more beer.

When they are done on the truck they are drunker than shit and swamped in beer and alcohol. Then it's time for all the graduates to go home where the family will throw a party for the garduation, with a bunch of people and food.

After eating and drinking a little bit more it's time for all the graduates to go out to the night club and drink some more!

Swim easy!

Me, Vanessa, Rebecka & Agnes

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