Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back in Stockholm!

Finally! Im back in Sweden. I got the chance to meet Rebecka's grandmother from New York. She was visiting the family for three days. Last Sunday we took a little trip into the city of Stockholm which is always a good time. We went to this museum in the castle and they had some old stuff in there. For an example they had some bloody towels where they had kept a kings heart who lived for like 500 years ago, you could still see the blood. Urk.

Well this week I will be in Stockholm most of the time looking for a job, so you know where to find me for sure.

Swim easy from Sweeeeeeden!

Eva and Rebecka

Me and Rebecka outside our future house.

The Nobel place

Rebeckas grandmother Inge, Lars, Vanessa and Rebecka

Eva is the king

Im the king!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

My time in London

My time in London has been a real good time. I meet alot of cool people and my bar class was a blast and going up north england to see Iain was also a fun time is not the funest. Rebecka and me where in my grandmas house this summer when we went back to the US for a few weeks and one day she just said " Justin why dont you do a bar class some where in Europe" and boom I went to London and proud to say I passed which is a good feeling. So the pictures below are the really cool people i meet here and made my stay even better.

Johan a swedish business man lol. With his stocks and big phone calls lol. No really Johan and his friend Herman are the coolest guys you could meet. I had a blast with these guys. Weather it was talking about dave chepell or making fun of Johan for being a business man lol but really funny guys and fun to hang with. Now I got some good friends in Stockholm to Chill with. These guys made the class funer and a good time.

Herman Given a thumbs up o he is a silly son of a bitch that Herman lol

This is after we passed are class and went out for a few cheekie ones. This however is Johan drinking a shandy hahaha no its a beer its just he hates shandys and me and Herman drink them sometimes and give him shit cuz one time he really did drink one but i had to eat fucking mayo which was the wrost thing of the whole London trip lol.

Me just chilling

Jo and Barry. This is the couple i lived with for 4 weeks and I have to say they are the coolest people you could meet. there very fun and nice and very good singers. They would say they are not that good but i think different. I really enjoyed hanging with them and am greatful to have meet them. However Jo has made me into a Chelsea fan which Barry does not like. He is a spurs fan you know one of those kinds lol haha no its been a good time staying with them and thanks a ton for letting me stay with you guys.
This is a picture of my last night in London and me, Barry and Jo did some singing and right now Jo is getting her sing on.

This is the same night and barry had a hard time staying awake and this when he woke up after sleeping by the speakers so I think he is really half a sleep in this picture lol

Me and Jo where playing music and singing and stuff and Still barry sleeps by the speaker like nothing. I dont understand.

I did not have a Picture of Barry and Jo or of all three of us so this is a picture of them I got off there facebook lol.