Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back in Stockholm!

Finally! Im back in Sweden. I got the chance to meet Rebecka's grandmother from New York. She was visiting the family for three days. Last Sunday we took a little trip into the city of Stockholm which is always a good time. We went to this museum in the castle and they had some old stuff in there. For an example they had some bloody towels where they had kept a kings heart who lived for like 500 years ago, you could still see the blood. Urk.

Well this week I will be in Stockholm most of the time looking for a job, so you know where to find me for sure.

Swim easy from Sweeeeeeden!

Eva and Rebecka

Me and Rebecka outside our future house.

The Nobel place

Rebeckas grandmother Inge, Lars, Vanessa and Rebecka

Eva is the king

Im the king!!!

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