Monday, June 29, 2009

My time in Sweden

Ok so I have now been in Sweden for 90 days. My longest time being away from home and I look back and know that I have had a blast and so many first time things I have done. I start off seeing the pro basketball team here going to game 6 in the finals and coming back from 20 ponits but end up losing, but I am a fan now of the Vikings. Then Bob and Dixe get it on and Dixe becomes prego lol. After 2 or 3 weeks cleaning Lars shop me and Rebecka head off to Paris to spend a week. It was so nice to see Paris, Germany and Denmark. I got to travel and see a big part of europe and had lots of fun. Seeing the Eiffel Tower, having a beer in germany, and eating duck for the first time. Now that im on the subject of food I have had so much food that I have never tried. BLOOD PUDING......... yes I know and I was not a big fan of it but there was much more I liked. Bacon ost, bubblizz, FRENCH HOTDOG, kebab plate, lots of different kinds of sparkling water, swedish pancakes, and lots of beer. I miss the food from home though lol. But my favorite things to eat and drink were the french hotdog and the Carlsburg beer. After Paris we took a trip south of sweden for the Gotenburg basketball tournament for 3 days. I loved playing basketball with the team I played with but we lost all of are games but I got to get to know some guys and it was a real fun trip. When I got back from Gotenburg I stared to run all the time. I want to run the Boston Race in 2011 so I started traning for it. At frist I could not run far at all but now I can run miles at a time and I did the towns race which was 6.5 miles. It was real hard but fun and now I cant stop running. About a week later Dixe had her puppies. I had to go to the animal hospital at like 11 and did not get home till 6. It was a long night but Dixe had 6 puppies and they were all ok. Then I worked for Lars agian for 2 more weeks while Rebecka worked at her job at the church. After all of this came the best holiday next to 4th of july........ MIDSUMMER. A big swedish holiday were you just eat and drink all day and for me was the first time I got really drunk lol. But it was really fun. In the last 40 days I have been here though Lars has made me a big fan of the sona. I love that shit but now I only have one more left. Let me tell you the sweds love sitting in a hot box lol. Last but not least. The play I saw in the forest. One of the most funniest, longest, hotest, biggest freak show I have ever seen and i wont forget it ever. It was just a nornal night in sweden. Me and Eva went for a run and ment up with Rebecka, Lars, and Vanessa at the lake for a sona and some food. After we sat in the hot box for a while and had a swim and some food we went into the forest to watch a play that ended at 1 in the morning. It was bad lol. Its a long story but i found myself in the forest walking home at 130 lol. It was so funny and a story ill tell another time but I will never forget that night haha. That has been my time in Sweden. I have herad ABBA on the radio much more then I needed to, had sandwichs for berakfast, lerened alot of swedish, watched the Lakers win the NBA finals, and Micheal Jackson died but most of all I have had lot of fun and look foward to my travels in the furture and ready to come home for a few weeks.

P.S. This is not the end of my blog I have just been lazy and not updating it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


For about one week ago, Dixie gave birth to six puppies. There are five girls and one boy. The boy is just like his father (Dr.Bob), the only thing he seems to be good at is eating. I will post pictures of him, because it's scary how fat a little one week old puppie can be. Every one in the family got to name one puppie and I will name mine Butter Scotch.

Swim easy from Sweden!

Dixies belly before giving birth

Dixie and My before she had the puppies

Speed Racer

ok one of the things I want to do in my life is run the boston marathan. So I thought I would start out small. I ran my first race and the longest run I have ever ran. Every year in österskär they have this race. Its 10 km so about 5 and half miles or some where around there. My time was 58 mins but ill see my exsact time in the paper this wesnday it shows everyones time by number. There was about 200 people running and first place ran it in 33 mins crazy huh. When I got to the end I felt like I was going to fall. I was so dizzy but I got a metal and a banana for what felt like, almost killing myself lol. Ya and the boston run is like 26 miles so I think I have some more running to do. well hope you like the pictures and my pre run interview.

Swim Easy, From Sweden

Me,Eva and Matt. Evas brother.

Are running team.

Me and Eva about to start

That was the first lap. there were 2 laps.

The end. im pretty sure i felt like dying right here.

USA and Sweden as a team lol.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Yesterday we had Rebeckas grandma came over for dinner and we all had pizza. after the dinner was over, Rebecka thought it would be cool to make my hair pink. It was all fun and games till it started getting on my shrit and pants and when i tried to wash it out in the lake. When i got home i washed it out and got most of it out but still have some in lol. hope you like the pics

Swim Easy, From Sweden