Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Speed Racer

ok one of the things I want to do in my life is run the boston marathan. So I thought I would start out small. I ran my first race and the longest run I have ever ran. Every year in österskär they have this race. Its 10 km so about 5 and half miles or some where around there. My time was 58 mins but ill see my exsact time in the paper this wesnday it shows everyones time by number. There was about 200 people running and first place ran it in 33 mins crazy huh. When I got to the end I felt like I was going to fall. I was so dizzy but I got a metal and a banana for what felt like, almost killing myself lol. Ya and the boston run is like 26 miles so I think I have some more running to do. well hope you like the pictures and my pre run interview.

Swim Easy, From Sweden

Me,Eva and Matt. Evas brother.

Are running team.

Me and Eva about to start

That was the first lap. there were 2 laps.

The end. im pretty sure i felt like dying right here.

USA and Sweden as a team lol.

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