Monday, June 29, 2009

My time in Sweden

Ok so I have now been in Sweden for 90 days. My longest time being away from home and I look back and know that I have had a blast and so many first time things I have done. I start off seeing the pro basketball team here going to game 6 in the finals and coming back from 20 ponits but end up losing, but I am a fan now of the Vikings. Then Bob and Dixe get it on and Dixe becomes prego lol. After 2 or 3 weeks cleaning Lars shop me and Rebecka head off to Paris to spend a week. It was so nice to see Paris, Germany and Denmark. I got to travel and see a big part of europe and had lots of fun. Seeing the Eiffel Tower, having a beer in germany, and eating duck for the first time. Now that im on the subject of food I have had so much food that I have never tried. BLOOD PUDING......... yes I know and I was not a big fan of it but there was much more I liked. Bacon ost, bubblizz, FRENCH HOTDOG, kebab plate, lots of different kinds of sparkling water, swedish pancakes, and lots of beer. I miss the food from home though lol. But my favorite things to eat and drink were the french hotdog and the Carlsburg beer. After Paris we took a trip south of sweden for the Gotenburg basketball tournament for 3 days. I loved playing basketball with the team I played with but we lost all of are games but I got to get to know some guys and it was a real fun trip. When I got back from Gotenburg I stared to run all the time. I want to run the Boston Race in 2011 so I started traning for it. At frist I could not run far at all but now I can run miles at a time and I did the towns race which was 6.5 miles. It was real hard but fun and now I cant stop running. About a week later Dixe had her puppies. I had to go to the animal hospital at like 11 and did not get home till 6. It was a long night but Dixe had 6 puppies and they were all ok. Then I worked for Lars agian for 2 more weeks while Rebecka worked at her job at the church. After all of this came the best holiday next to 4th of july........ MIDSUMMER. A big swedish holiday were you just eat and drink all day and for me was the first time I got really drunk lol. But it was really fun. In the last 40 days I have been here though Lars has made me a big fan of the sona. I love that shit but now I only have one more left. Let me tell you the sweds love sitting in a hot box lol. Last but not least. The play I saw in the forest. One of the most funniest, longest, hotest, biggest freak show I have ever seen and i wont forget it ever. It was just a nornal night in sweden. Me and Eva went for a run and ment up with Rebecka, Lars, and Vanessa at the lake for a sona and some food. After we sat in the hot box for a while and had a swim and some food we went into the forest to watch a play that ended at 1 in the morning. It was bad lol. Its a long story but i found myself in the forest walking home at 130 lol. It was so funny and a story ill tell another time but I will never forget that night haha. That has been my time in Sweden. I have herad ABBA on the radio much more then I needed to, had sandwichs for berakfast, lerened alot of swedish, watched the Lakers win the NBA finals, and Micheal Jackson died but most of all I have had lot of fun and look foward to my travels in the furture and ready to come home for a few weeks.

P.S. This is not the end of my blog I have just been lazy and not updating it.

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