Thursday, July 23, 2009

Highway 101 back to Portland

So now we are back in Portland but I can tell you it felt like we would never get back last night.

We took off from San Francisco, where we spent the night, at like 10 in the morning. All we did was pretty much nothing for 15 hours, just driving. Finally we made it to the Redwood Forrest. It was amazing, the coolest forrest I have ever seen. But all the tours and paths were colsed so we are gonna go back in the next weeks.

So we went back in the car to head it back to Portland. The coast was so pretty. We stopped alot to get some pics and stuff. I guess we were so into the pretty views that we forgot to look for signs for highway I-5, that we wanted to get on. After a while we cant se any signs by the road at all any more and Justin realizes that we need gas very soon. But all we had around us was forrest and coast line.

We both started to freak out a little. There were absolutley no signs for small towns or gas, it started to rain a little and it was getting dark outside - It was like a real nightmare. But when we were almost out of gas we could see a little town pretty far away. We made it to the town, that pretty much was a gas station and a mini mart, a few small houses. We got out of the car and I was ready to slide my card in the gas mashine when a guy pulls up next to us. He goes "Hey are you trying to get gas?" We were just like "Ehh...Yaa" like why do you care, random dude???? "Well these guys are closed, you will have to go to the gas station farther ahead. I thought it was wierd because I didnt pay cash so why did it matter, but I didn't say anything, we just did like he said.

We got to the next gas station to make another try. I slided my card and got ready to get gas when a woman comes up to us. She goes "Are you guys trying to get gas?" And we just looked at each other like, what is up here, why does everyone care about that we are getting gas??? WE JUST WANT OUR GAS!!! And she goes "Well we are in Oregon so you cant get your own gas" When she said that Justin remembered that there is a law in Oregon that you cant pump your own gas, and this place was closed, ofcourse... It was like nine at night. But this girl needed gas too, and in some way she figured out how we could call someone who worked at the gas station who would come and pump the gas. But there would be a 20 dollar fee, so we decided to split the fee. After a while this guy came with his wife. O, I wish a had a picturte of these people. They came in their truck they both had a cigarette in their mouth. The girl looked about 30 years younger then him. Their clothes were dirty and it was just bad news, if you know what I mean. I gave him my card and he got us our gas. Justin didnt see that I payed for it so he gave this guy cash, and he took it. When we realized we had payed twice for it the guy pretended to not remember that I had payed with the card but he gave after after a little and Justin got his cash back.

Finally we figured out how to get to I-5 and after a coupple of hours we made it home safe at 2 in the morning.

It was COLD! I had to put Justins jogging outfit on.

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