Thursday, November 19, 2009


Last part of the trip was Philly and I got to say it has to be one of my favorite cities. Its where America was born and all its history and the home town of the chesse stake. Ben franklin, D of I, Liberty Bell, Besty Ross, and my favorite the 100 dollar bill, ill explain later. Ok so I did and saw a alot in Philly it really sucks though cuz we had camera problems in philly for some reason so I did not get the pictures i really wanted to like the liberty bell, ben franklins grave and pats and genos but I can tell you about it. well philly is known all over America for there chesse stakes so I went to the two best places in town from what I herad, Pats and Genos. It was delish but I ate to much lol. I went to another place called jims which was also really good. After the food fest I went to go see the history of my country. I went liberty hall and saw the Liberty bell which is a bell used 200 years ago and now has a big crack down the middle of it. It traveled all over the states at one ponit and for me was really cool to see. I also saw the grave of Ben Franklin and for you sweds out there he was a huge biz man In americas early years. He is really known for signing the decleration of Independce and inventing electricity also he is on the america hundered dollar bill. The Decleration of Independce document was signed and made in philly but the real copy of it lays in D.C. but you can go to the building where it was signed over 250 years ago. I did not go by Besty ross house but it is in philly and agian for the sweds she is the first person to make an America flag. Ok on one side of the 100 dollar bill is Ben Franklins face and the other side of it is a picture of these old buildings and i took a picture of those buildings when I was there which for I think is really cool. (You can check out the picture below) all in all I really loved Philly and hope to go back some time in my life.

Later, from Philly

ok this is me not liking this plane ride I am on.

our hotel in Philly

A old grave site from the 1700s

Yes ladies and gents the hundered dollar bill. get out your 100 dollars if ya got one and look.

Liberty hall

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