Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wednesday in Stockholm

So yesterday, I did a bit of shopping with Big Beck. We went into Stockholm for a nice day of shopping, lunch, movie and dinner. A little brake from all the working. I got some pants, a shirt and a sweat shirt. Now I look like a superballer. After shopping we went to see the movie, The Hunting in Connecticut. I have to say that movie is pretty fucked up. Its based on a true story, they say, in the year of 87. After the movie me and Rebecka had some chinese food. Delish. Then we hit it back home. I always love going into Stockholm and seing a scary movie it a plus to.

Swim easy, from Sweden.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kebab plate and finishing up in the shop

Today I had my first kebab plate ever. I flew solo to the Golden West. Where a man is a man and a kebab plate is a kebab plate. It was not my cup of tea but I'm not complaining. Too saucie for me, it felt more like I was drinking something than eating. In my "Confessions of a kebab plate" belove I explain my experiance with kebab. I don't think I will have another kebab plate.

When Eva came home from work today she didn't know what to make for dinnner. I made the American meal, the backbone of America, the macaroni and cheese. It was delish. I was not prepard, so I had to work with what I had. Some frozen motzarella. during the time dinner was cooking I made a video of me being a smart nerd lol. I think dinner went good or should i say bra.

ok so 3 long weeks went by and me and Rebecka finshed cleaning Lars shop before his insepection. We cleaned shelfs, cars, floors, walls, windows, and anything with grime, dust, or dirt on it. but the shop looks really good now and it has been alot of hard work but im glad its done. dwe32 sorry that was bob. Ok well tomorrow i blog about the dogs dont miss it lol.

Swim Easy, From Sweden

The lovelie kebab plate

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sundays basketball game / game two

So I had my second game with my team. We won by ten points and I had one three pointer and a jump shot, with the total of five points. I thought I played better the last game but we got the won this time. I forgot to tell you that we lost the last game. Im really starting to make friends with the other guys on the team. After the game we went for pizza and talked about the NBA playoffs. Everyone loves Chris Paul. The season is over now, but i got invited to the turnement in Gothenburg, in May. It is the biggest youth tournement in Europe. Hope I'll play good. But there are alot of countries from Europe playing. So I don't know how far our team will go. I'll keep you posted on me balling in Sweden.

Rip City, baby. Swim easy, from Sweden.

Party pics

At first, here is some pictures from a dinner party in Stockholm. Im very happy - and the only guy.

Now, these pictures are from the party in Vaxholm.


Good times

Lovisa, me, Rebecka, Linn, Ida and Sofia

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trip to Spain

Ok so my trip to spian was about 7 weeks ago but this is like a travel blog so I got to write about it. So i want to start off by saying spain is not english friendly. They dont understand english really at all but for some reason all the cab drivers seem to know the words keep the change. Besides that it was a really cool place to travel to. nice wheather, nice views and good food. most of my days were spent tanning. I got to say when you travel with two girls to a hot place and your the only guy there be ready to sit around alot and tan lol but it was nice to be in the sun. While we were there we did some shopping, went on a boat trip to see dolfins or should I say the doflins we never saw lol. Thats how they get you on the trip. They tell you that you will see dolfins and then you never do. I bet there are not even any dolfins in spain lol but it was cool to see the views from the boat. Me and Rebecka went out one night for dinner which was nice and I have to say that spain is like a free for all. The drinking age is 18 but i swear they would have let a 10 year old drink there it was nuts but its far from America. overall I really loved this trip and really greatful i got to go and I thank Lars 1000 times for it.

The hotel pool

hang lose bra

pool again.

I know, I know.... stud

Just chilling

This was the road outside of are hotel.

ok if you already dont know... check out the fat toppless chick in the back ground.


Ya so i have a gut so what lol

The homies

like i said alot of tanning.

The homies again

Albert.... this bird was always out side of are room

Ya so i look like a bum lol

nice view

Super ME

Me and the girlfriend

Carnaria islands

Next weeks sports ill cover

Duna Golf baby


Rebecka and me

The sisters

Me and Vanessa

Facebook pic

The sisters

model pics lol

Super ME

Very nice view

puss puss translation kiss kiss

Westcoast till we die mother fucka

Some random ass caves.

ok these next few pics are my paparazzi pics. I know everyone wants a good pic of me but its not easy.

Model pic lol

I dont even remeber this picture even taken

Rebecka ready to leave for the boat trip

nice shot from the boat

My next rap album cover. im on a boat mother fucka dont you ever forget.

nice view

puss puss lol

chilling by the pool

yes people pizza hut in spain

getting a little make over and thats bert on my back

Rebeckas ninja kicks

make over number 2 i could not put make over number 1 on here lol

some random ass dude took this pic