Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our trip to Vaxholm and other pics

Vaxholm - what a wonderful little town. People singing in the streets, blue skyes, fresh cut grass and birds chirping... The home of Tiger Woods wife and first place I ever ate out in Sweden - Just mashed potatoes, please. The town of Vaxholm has their own castle where they have recorded a movie with Pippi Longstocking. This is what the town looks like in the summer.

Last night we had a little trip out to Vaxholm. It was a distant friend to Rebecka who had her birthday party. Wish I had pictures but no... Me, Rebecka, Linn and Ida went together and met up some of their girl friends at the party. The party was alright, alot of people wanted to help me find me a job and a very nice guy came up to me and he was really interested in America, he spoke very good english too.

Swim easy, from Sweden.

P.S Now I'm gonna cut Vanessas hedgehogs nails, I guess you learn something new everyday.

Vaxholm, summertime

You can see a little bit of the castle in the backround

Here are some pictures we took a few weeks ago when we went to lunch by the lake neare by the hoese with Eva and Vanessa.

Out in the forest



Westcost til I die

Steping out on the lake

Everyone likes ice cream

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