Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Soo... Vanessas birthday went well. Dinner was my fav, pork and Evas cheese potatoes. Then we had some wierd, Swedish, green cake. What can I say - It was a little bit different... But I'm a team player. After dinner we sat down in the living room while Vanessa opened what seemd like a hundred presents. I got her the Mario Kart for her DS. Her biggest present was that she was going to swim with dolphins. After me, Rebecka, Eva, Vanessa and Viktor sat around while Viktor played the guitar and had a chat about music. Over all a pretty decent day. Right now im laying in bed, stuffed of food. Ready to watch some Sex and The City with the girlfriend... Then a good nights sleep. Cant wait to wake up another morning in Sweden...

Swim easy, from Sweden!

Birthday dinner with Evas parents

No cake for Dr.Bob

Little brat

Everyone is in their own world, including Viktor
The Swedish happy birthday

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