Sunday, August 23, 2009

Coldplay in Sweden

Last night in Stockholm me, Viktor, Vikors friend Marcus, and Rebecka went and saw Coldplay live at a outside stadium [ which the 1912 olympics were held ] and it was one of the best concerts I have been to. I am not a big Coldplay fan and never really have been. I do enjoy some of there tunes but not a big fan but these guys were good to see in person. The songs I did like were really really good and the lead singer for Coldplay is one of the best entertainers I have seen in person and he sang Micheal Jackson's Billie Jean towards the end which was cool I thought. It was also my first time seeing a concert in another country and it was another expericence for me. I never thought Coldplay was that big but I was wrong lol. Rebecka loved it which made me happy after me and Vanessa took three days tracking down tickets because it was sold out. We were on the computer and phone for three days getting these tickets lol. There is a website here like criagslist and as soon as a new add came up on the computer screen we would call for them and they would be sold haha but we managed to get a hold of a pair. How ever I did not take a camera with me so these picks are not mine but there are pictures taken from last night. enjoy the pics.

Swim Easy, From Sweden

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