Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pool party and eating crawfish

So Lars, after like 15 years of wanting his own pool he made it happen. He opened up the pool on a Saturday night with a party. It was fun to swim but before the swimming was a meal of crawfish. I have never had crawfish before nor did I ever think I would eat it but I have made myself a new rule in life. Ill try anything once from now on. I will say I really did not want to try it but Lars kept telling me to lol and it was good. Looking at the crawfish I thinking O FUCK NO but ladies and gents I ate them. It turned out to be really good and I had alot more then just one. The next night we had them agian for dinner. I should have given you a Swedish history lesson before I stared writting this post, but it is like a huge thing this time of year to eat crawfish in Sweden. They have parties for them and shit with silly hats and the whole nine yards lol. After a night of swimming, crawfish, and beer I was set for bed. enjoy the pictures

Swim Easy, From Sweden

Just chilling in the pool.

My S is standing for Sweden if ya did not know lol

Picture though the window


I never thought in all my life i would eat that I think in this picture i am looking at it and thinking nooooooo fucking way lol.

The pool from the deck.

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