Sunday, September 13, 2009


London, home to Harry Potter, The Rolling Stones, The beatles and Simon Cowell. I headed into London for the first time this Saturday alone and it was real nice city. lots to see and eat which I always like doing so it was a nice Saturday. First I arrived on Bakers St and then headed down to Big Ben. If you dont know what Big Ben is its that huge old looking clock in London. After taking a few pics of that I walked down to the huge wheel that takes you up to hights I did not bother with lol but really cool to see. After walking around for a few mins I came across nothing I have seen before. A food stand selling pankcakes in a cone cup so I had o try it and I have to say it was delishhhh but seeing a pancake in a cone cup was different lol. Around big Ben there where alot of other stuff I got a chance to look at then went over to the tower bridge which is a famos bridge in London. When I got there there was like a festivel going on by the water so I had a hot dog and took some good pics of the bridge from there to. Walking arocss the bridge was cool to but alot of people and that was my day in London. Was London my favorite city? no but it was one of the better ones. I cant stand the cars driving on the other side of the street. You think awww thats not a big deal but it really sucks crossing a street is just wried and I tried a English beer as well and yes Lars the beer does suck. it is like someone shook up the beer first colded it and then serve it, in other words the beer is flat but I really enjoyed London and hope to vist one more time before I leave. Enjoy the pics

Cheers, from London

There is a big street in London called Great Portland so I thought that was cool.

The Tower Bridge

Walking on the Tower Bridge

A old looking castle which I thought was cool. Like something you would see in midevil times

The pancake in a cone cup

ok I have been to my fair share of cities and I have seen people playing gutiars for money, drums, singing, tuba, and some other shit but I have never seen someone playing bagpipes for money so I had to take this pic.

Big Ben

Big Ben

I had to take of pic of me in London like this to prove I was there haha

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