Saturday, September 26, 2009

My night with Iain

Well today I made my way to Iain's and had a pretty good day well I would have to say my best day in england so far. I got to Durham at 9 in the morning and took a nice walk with Iain's partents though the town. there was a chruch that was 1000 years old and a castle that we walked into. After that we headed to the house and had a chat while we waited for Iain to get off work. I meet Iain's brother Nick and his girlfriend too who were nice and had a wried question about america cinemas lol. but after we picked up Iain we went to go watch Nicks football game ( Euro football) and then headed back home for dinner and watched the new castle game which was a blow out by new castle 4 to 0 which was nice. But the night was still young so me, Iain and Nick went out to the town and had a few drinks. first we went to a bar then to a club which the music was way to loud lol and then two other bars with way to many people haha but it was fun. After a night out we headed to a pizza place and headed home and called it a night. It was nice to see Iain agian and meet his family. Tomorrow more football and then I head back to London for my last week. well tomorrow I will fallow with pics.

Cheers, from New Castle

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