Wednesday, April 22, 2009


ok so i had my first basketball game in another country last sunday. A little scared at first.... not knowing swedish, never playing with these guys and i am a little shy about things but it turned out good. I had alot of playing time for just being added to the team a couple of days before. I had 8 ponits 2 of them were from free throw shots. A steal and I think one block. So over all it went ok. I want to push my game to a bigger limit, get in better shape and do better in my next game on sunday the 26th. I am going for double digets in the ponits area ill keep ya updated on me balling in sweden.

swim easy from sweden

My crowd

Focusing on the game

Game plan

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Did you have to pick the best photo of me...? haha