Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eagle Creek Hike

WSo me and Rebecka wanted to get are work out on so we thought on going on a long hike. I knew of a place not to far from where I live and I knew it was pretty long so we went to Eagle Creek hiking trails. The path is about 24 miles all together which is like 4 swedish miles but the hike was parted out. You could hike 2 miles (about 3.5km) to punch bowl falls, where you can swim and just hang out. But me and Rebecka had are minds set on hiking 12 miles (2 swedish miles). It was a hike to tunnel falls which is a waterfall you can walk behide and that was 6 miles from the beginning and then the hike back would be 12 miles all together. We did it, on the way back and the end we were pretty done and really tired. All together it took us about 5 hours to compelte. The hike its self was really nice. There was alot of waterfalls and nice views but 12 miles was a little long and it was a 108 degrees (42c) so the heat was horrible. Over all we had a nice hike and day. Enjoy the pictures.

The start

Punch bowl falls

punch bowl falls

One of many foot bridges

Me and Rebecka behide tunnel falls

Tunnel falls

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep updating blog brotha. Memories you will never forget.