Thursday, November 19, 2009


Last part of the trip was Philly and I got to say it has to be one of my favorite cities. Its where America was born and all its history and the home town of the chesse stake. Ben franklin, D of I, Liberty Bell, Besty Ross, and my favorite the 100 dollar bill, ill explain later. Ok so I did and saw a alot in Philly it really sucks though cuz we had camera problems in philly for some reason so I did not get the pictures i really wanted to like the liberty bell, ben franklins grave and pats and genos but I can tell you about it. well philly is known all over America for there chesse stakes so I went to the two best places in town from what I herad, Pats and Genos. It was delish but I ate to much lol. I went to another place called jims which was also really good. After the food fest I went to go see the history of my country. I went liberty hall and saw the Liberty bell which is a bell used 200 years ago and now has a big crack down the middle of it. It traveled all over the states at one ponit and for me was really cool to see. I also saw the grave of Ben Franklin and for you sweds out there he was a huge biz man In americas early years. He is really known for signing the decleration of Independce and inventing electricity also he is on the america hundered dollar bill. The Decleration of Independce document was signed and made in philly but the real copy of it lays in D.C. but you can go to the building where it was signed over 250 years ago. I did not go by Besty ross house but it is in philly and agian for the sweds she is the first person to make an America flag. Ok on one side of the 100 dollar bill is Ben Franklins face and the other side of it is a picture of these old buildings and i took a picture of those buildings when I was there which for I think is really cool. (You can check out the picture below) all in all I really loved Philly and hope to go back some time in my life.

Later, from Philly

ok this is me not liking this plane ride I am on.

our hotel in Philly

A old grave site from the 1700s

Yes ladies and gents the hundered dollar bill. get out your 100 dollars if ya got one and look.

Liberty hall

New York, New York

Ok first of all I want to say sorry for not blogging in like 5 weeks am a little behide. Last week I went on a trip to New york and ended the trip in Philly. It was my 2nd time in New york and ya It was nice, who hates new york. I just did your normal new york things. Time sqaure, 5th av, saw a knicks game, ground zero, and the trump tower which has a story behide it. I was hanging out in the trump tower with my grandma and brother and all of the sudden Donald Trump walks by with a crew around him and gets in his car which was surrounded my cop cars. I mean how fucking often do you go to the trump tower and see the donald. That never happens but For me it did it was crazy. Also like I said I saw a knicks game and they suck really really bad so they looked like a whole bunch of clowns out there but it was real cool to go to madison sqaure garden. It was crazy, the basketball court was on the 7th floor of the building. I ate pretty good, for those who know me I am a big Anthony Broudian fan and I got to go to one of his resturants where he made the menu. It was french food which was good and I had mussles for the first time but not my cup of tea. after 4 days I was off to Philly.

For get about it, from new york

our hotel

Me and Grams outside he hotel

The view from are hotel window

time sqaure

just a cool picture i took. you could not see the top of the building cuz of the fog

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back in Stockholm!

Finally! Im back in Sweden. I got the chance to meet Rebecka's grandmother from New York. She was visiting the family for three days. Last Sunday we took a little trip into the city of Stockholm which is always a good time. We went to this museum in the castle and they had some old stuff in there. For an example they had some bloody towels where they had kept a kings heart who lived for like 500 years ago, you could still see the blood. Urk.

Well this week I will be in Stockholm most of the time looking for a job, so you know where to find me for sure.

Swim easy from Sweeeeeeden!

Eva and Rebecka

Me and Rebecka outside our future house.

The Nobel place

Rebeckas grandmother Inge, Lars, Vanessa and Rebecka

Eva is the king

Im the king!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

My time in London

My time in London has been a real good time. I meet alot of cool people and my bar class was a blast and going up north england to see Iain was also a fun time is not the funest. Rebecka and me where in my grandmas house this summer when we went back to the US for a few weeks and one day she just said " Justin why dont you do a bar class some where in Europe" and boom I went to London and proud to say I passed which is a good feeling. So the pictures below are the really cool people i meet here and made my stay even better.

Johan a swedish business man lol. With his stocks and big phone calls lol. No really Johan and his friend Herman are the coolest guys you could meet. I had a blast with these guys. Weather it was talking about dave chepell or making fun of Johan for being a business man lol but really funny guys and fun to hang with. Now I got some good friends in Stockholm to Chill with. These guys made the class funer and a good time.

Herman Given a thumbs up o he is a silly son of a bitch that Herman lol

This is after we passed are class and went out for a few cheekie ones. This however is Johan drinking a shandy hahaha no its a beer its just he hates shandys and me and Herman drink them sometimes and give him shit cuz one time he really did drink one but i had to eat fucking mayo which was the wrost thing of the whole London trip lol.

Me just chilling

Jo and Barry. This is the couple i lived with for 4 weeks and I have to say they are the coolest people you could meet. there very fun and nice and very good singers. They would say they are not that good but i think different. I really enjoyed hanging with them and am greatful to have meet them. However Jo has made me into a Chelsea fan which Barry does not like. He is a spurs fan you know one of those kinds lol haha no its been a good time staying with them and thanks a ton for letting me stay with you guys.
This is a picture of my last night in London and me, Barry and Jo did some singing and right now Jo is getting her sing on.

This is the same night and barry had a hard time staying awake and this when he woke up after sleeping by the speakers so I think he is really half a sleep in this picture lol

Me and Jo where playing music and singing and stuff and Still barry sleeps by the speaker like nothing. I dont understand.

I did not have a Picture of Barry and Jo or of all three of us so this is a picture of them I got off there facebook lol.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My night with Iain

Well today I made my way to Iain's and had a pretty good day well I would have to say my best day in england so far. I got to Durham at 9 in the morning and took a nice walk with Iain's partents though the town. there was a chruch that was 1000 years old and a castle that we walked into. After that we headed to the house and had a chat while we waited for Iain to get off work. I meet Iain's brother Nick and his girlfriend too who were nice and had a wried question about america cinemas lol. but after we picked up Iain we went to go watch Nicks football game ( Euro football) and then headed back home for dinner and watched the new castle game which was a blow out by new castle 4 to 0 which was nice. But the night was still young so me, Iain and Nick went out to the town and had a few drinks. first we went to a bar then to a club which the music was way to loud lol and then two other bars with way to many people haha but it was fun. After a night out we headed to a pizza place and headed home and called it a night. It was nice to see Iain agian and meet his family. Tomorrow more football and then I head back to London for my last week. well tomorrow I will fallow with pics.

Cheers, from New Castle

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Girlfriend

Well today blog is about my girlfriend. Its a good story really but really long haha. So for the sake of my fingers hurting we will make it short haha. For those who dont know about Rebecka and me, we meet in America as Rebecka was a forgian exchange student and one thing lead to another and a love story was written. When Rebecka went back to Sweden I had to follow and this all happened last year and we have now been together for a year. I have seen many places of the world that I thought I never would with this girl. We have been to spain, France, Sweden, America, California, germany, Denmark, Finland, together and have seen alot. I look back now and think of all the places we have been and im thankful I saw all these places with Rebecka. She is also my best friend, thats how we started out and I will never forget that. I love this girl more then a rich man loves money. So I hope you you liked my blog and and me just saying how much I care for this girl. Love ya BB haha

Cheers, from London

Monday, September 21, 2009

My school

enjoy the pics of my school.

Cheers, from London