Friday, May 29, 2009

Soccer night

Last night I went to my first european soccer game. I have been to many football games in America but nothing as crazy as this. The fans do not fuck around. It was funner to watch the fans then the acuall game and they threw flares at each other, fights broke out, people bleeding and shit, cops all over and the fans fought the cops. Over all it was a fun night even thought the bad weather.

Enjoy the pictures. Swim easy, from Sweden!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Picknick by the ocean

These pictures were taken when me and the Treser fam had picknick by the ocean for dinner.

Swim easy, from Sweden!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My trip to Gothenburg was for my basketball tournement. We played 4 games and lost all of them, we sucked. But I had a few three pointers here and there and I thought I played my best against Z Germans.

The whole Ã…kersberga club had to sleep together in a gym. That means that we were like 70 people in one gym. The food were horrible but I managed to get through. Over all the trip was really fun I got to meet a lot of cool people and play basketball.

Swim easy! From Sweden ;)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Paris trip day 5

Day number 5 - The Luve
Day five we desided to experiance Paris a little bit on our own. So we took a closer look at the Luve. We went inside and looked around a little bit. After that we walked down the street and had some lunch and some shopping done - or should I say window shopping?

The louve was on my world history high school book. So it's kind of neat to see me in front of it.

Inside the Louve.

Day number 5 - Dinner and boat trip
So that night we went out to dinner with the group we were travelling with. While we waited for dinner we took a vistit to the Mouling Rouge. I have to say - When travelling you have to stop your picky eating because the food will always be different and you don't want to be eating McDonald's every where you go. You are forced to try new things. Whitch brings me to what we had for dinner. My first time having duck... Not my cup of tea. But for the kids reading, sorry Donald. Something else.
You know those tour guides who are boring and make bad jokes and everyone says - "Hey, this guy is funny!" But in your mind you are thinking that this guy really sucks. Well, that was not my case. My first tour guy I have accually liked. His name was Adam and this dude had to be at least late twentys early thirtys. The most empressing thing with this guy was that he had a new talent every day. He could speak french, Swedish, German, English and Spanish. And it's not that he said he could do it - I heard him. But hey, wait! There is more. He knew everything there was to know about Paris. He had lived in Paris for five years, studying. He had worked as stuerdist. He also thought both world history and music history on collage level. He could play the piano and had the best voice. I wonder why he is not famous. I usually don't talk about tour guides this much but I can't belive this guy.
After dinner we hit it to the river and got on a boat. It was like a sightseeing tour on water. I had some wine for dinner so I had fun yelling at the people at the streets in Swedish and the little french I know... What can I say? Enjoy the videos. After the boat ride Adam had a surprise for us and it was chanpange by the Eiffel tower in night light. After the long day we fell a sleep for the last night in Paris.

"Red, red wine..."
This is Adam. Surprising us with his voice and piano skills.

Duck and potatoes.

Nothre Dame, you know the hunch back?

The videos below - The first one is me saying "I love you Paris" in Swedish.
The second one i say "Hello" in french.