Friday, May 1, 2009

Trip back to Vaxholm

Today me Rebecka and Eva went back to the wonderful town of Vaxholm to spend the day. first we went to go see this big ass castle that has been around for like 500 years or some shit like that. Its pretty cool to see something that old and its also said it has ghost in it so that makes it even more fun to see lol. after that we went into the town of Vaxholm to walk around and have some grub. I had some pasta and a coke. It was dank lol. After a few hours we drove back home and had to leave the wonderful Vaxholm but I have a feeling I will be back soon.

Swim Easy, From Sweden

My crib

The castle from the road

Me and Eva

Nice pic of the castle

Ancient Swedish for you will die

Swim easy



The king and the queen in front of the castle

Eva forgot something in the car so she ran

The wonderful town of Vaxholm


By the water

Eva almost died


The king and the queens summer castle

Puss puss

Having lunch

Coca cola

MTV cribs

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