Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Paris trip day 3

Day number 3 - We made it to Paris

So we made it to Paris after 22 hours on a bus from Sweden. I have to say Paris is one of the coolest cites i have seen maybe my favorite. Its not as tall as new york but i think the aera looks the same. I have been on top of the Empire state building and the eiffel tower now and both cites look as big from the highest ponit. The first day we got there we saw all the stuff you need to see when you come to Paris. The Eiffel tower, the Luve, the Treumph, and lots of other cool shit that i cant spell lol. At night me and Rebecka took a trip to the top of the Eiffel tower and took lots of pictures and ate some chinese take out in the park. Seeing the Eiffel tower in person was the coolest most amazing things i have ever seen in my life. You see it in movies, pictures and all over but when you see it for your self its alot different. Well we are doing many other things while we are in Paris so ill post more pics.

Swim Easy, From Paris

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