Saturday, May 2, 2009

Backpacking through Europe!

Ok, listen now, ladies and gents... This is our plan.

We leave monday. We start out in Stockholm, take the train down to Kopenhagen (Denmark). From Denmark, we take the train to Paris and from Paris, down to Barcelona (Spain). Then we will go from Barcelona, through Italy and see citys like Milano in Italy. Then we will make our way to Germany and stay with some relatives to Rebecka. From Germany we will go to Poland and see the concentrationcamp Auswitch. Then we hit it back home. Nice, huh?

What can I say...? Im ready...

Very ready...

1 comment:

Queen Creme Brulee said...

I am so jealous and very excited for bith you and Rebecka! What an awesome opportunity you have. Please take tons of phots and make sure you tell us all about it. We will be coming next year.