Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Paris trip day 2

Day number 2 - We got on the bus

We left Malmö for Paris 8 in the morning. Only thirty minutes later we crossed the border to Denmark. We rode over the bridge that goes all the way from Sweden over to Denmak. Then we drowe through Denmark til it was time to take a fairy over to Germany.

Day number 2 - Fairy from Denmark to Germany

The fairy was pretty crazy. It looked more like a mall in there. The ride was only 35 minutes and then we were in Germany for the next ten hours.

Day number 2 - Germany

For me being a big American history fan it was really cool for me to be in Germany where alot of the world war II stuff happened and Hitlers home. I liked Germany. No english, nice weather, very good food and beer but not a place I would visit again unless I had chance to go to Berlin or some concentration camp. My ten hours spent in Germany were cool and its just another country I have seen.

First stop in Germany for lunch. I had meatloaf.

American hot dogs in Germany.

This is the Germany city Bermen. Our secound stop for dinner.

Snitzel and beer.

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